Oh yea..and an update

I frequently-regularly-often trip while reaching for my high ideals.  Then I giggle, or cry, and get back up.
  ~Erika Harris
As for an update ..these last several weeks I have still been playing around in the 190’s going down almost breaking into the 180’s but not quite and back up now closer to the 200 mark but mostly hanging out around 193-194. Now this is  not where I want to be but considering I pretty much broke it off with Gym mid October until last week among other things I’m ok with this. But now its time to kick 190’s ass to the curb and get back in the rhythm of things before all that yummy holiday food at Christmas is here. I have no excuse now not to go to the gym because now one of my cousin’s has said she will work out with me and we can use her gym at her apartment anytime.

I feel like I have had a slow crawl out of my funk and back into the real world. The end of October and part of November were really hard but surprisingly enough Thanksgiving which I expected to also be hard actually helped me. It just goes to show I need to be around people, family, friends…not sit in my little cave known as my house.

I am still keeping my goal of running a half marathon before my 30th birthday in June even if I have to crawl across the finish line I will do it! I have not found a race I want to do yet, there aren't that many in my area so I may have to branch out a bit but I will find one. And I have told actual people in off line life that I want to do this so I cant back out. This goal has gotten some mixed reviews, some think its awesome and tell me good luck and others have laughed and then remembered they are supposed to be supportive and told me good luck. I know the idea of me doing this for some people is very strange, lets face it I didn’t get to 200 lbs running marathons.

I am also toying with the idea of joining Weight Watchers. Right now I need some more accountability and this seems like it might work but I'm not sure about this whole points thing. I know silly right, being diabetic I am already looking at label's and counting everything, I guess its just the tracking it and keeping up with it part. Also it cost money but you can go to try out a free meeting so I think I may check that out before I make my decision and sign up. I suck at tracking things and writing them down, making list etcetera. At the same time though when I have this discussion in my head I hear Dr.Phil’s voice saying “Well how’s that workin for ya” in regards to what im doing now and clearly its not working…or not working that well anyways.  I guess I could also share my blog with everyone I know IRL, right now only a select few are privileged enough to know I have this. It’s not that im ashamed or embarrassed but sometimes it’s the ones closest to us that judge us the most..or it feels like they do..and I like being pretty open on here and am just not sure im quite ready for my complete public debut. For now I think I prefer the slow leak to the presses lol. I really do this for me not other people but it is nice once in a while to get a nice comment.

Just for fun here is a few pic’s from our snow fall last weekend and all the fun we had playing in it Open-mouthed smile
This is some unusual stuff for Dec. in NC
This kid is so going to get it lol
For some upcoming stuff …I think I may give myself a bike for Christmas..not a crazy expensive one just a normal bike to start out on that I can put some miles in with. I really like the look of the old style bikes that are now called cruisers. I want it just for exercise not for races or trails so I think this would be ok as a starter. Also depending on if I will have my daughter for New Years eve or not there is this really cool 5k at midnight where you get to walk the Tangelwood lights festival that you usually can only drive though I may do. But honestly as cool as this sounds being a single girl and not being able to do anything fun the past 3 NYE if she is at her Dad’s (which is a huge if) you will probably find me out with friends…some really good friends of  mine who have the best local cover band ever are playing one of the larger venues here for NYE. I’m torn I really want to do both but they are 45min’s apart and being its NYE happening at the same time Winking smile. And I would kinda like someone else to go with us but that is not exactly what most people want to do on NYE lol
Ok enough rambling haha…Current goals..kick some 190 ass, get back on my water(seriously people can I count my tea..it has no calories in it lol), get some hot dates in with Gym and his twin brother at my cousin’s apartment and focus on mindful eating.

Peace, Love and Happy Blogging

P.S. check out my new purple hair…I personally love it! Winking smile
Its really dark so in some lights it is hard to see, but some its super purple


  1. Your hair looks great! Love the quote you started your post with.

  2. Thanks Dani ...very true for me and how I live my life.
    Its so much better to look for the positive in things and go through life laughing though sometimes tears are necessary also


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