Where does the time go...
"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other."
Burton Hillis
I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays ...I feel about like this picture here, all tangled up with 1000 things I want/need to do. I did finally get a tree up though lol.
For those of you who may be following my #Reverb10 post I am still working on getting caught up. I really enjoy these and want to complete all of them but starting late, getting the stomach flu and now Winter semester at school starting up and adding homework to the mix I am still running a bit behind. I find with this online class and all the family stuff going on I am having to prioritize my time and those arent making it to the top of the list right now. I am backdating them if you want to go back and check them out there is/will be one for each day in December! I am determined to get these done ...its not only great reflecting back on 2010 but also very therapeutic considering some of the things from 2010 in my life.
I also need to do an update post but that will have to wait as well, this is just a quick hello :)
Peace, Love and Happy Blogging
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