Like Dory Says….

“Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, …. Just keep swimming”
Dory, Finding Nemo

I haven't really posted much in a couple weeks…just haven't felt like I had much to offer or was willing to put out there at the time. These past couple weeks have been very emotional for me. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I have started going to weekly counseling sessions that are bringing up some of these emotions. I have a class this semester where we had the  option of either doing weekly journal’s or going to a minimum of 3 counseling sessions. The sessions are also with a grad student not a licensed councilor but the GS I got seemed to click so I plan on continuing these sessions. Besides who cant use a little counseling, especially when its free! Because it is through this class I can continue through the end of fall semester at no charge.

Right now I have been doing my sessions on Tuesday’s after class but I think I am going to try and change them after this week to hopefully a Friday afternoon. Right now talking about the loss of my Father and the circumstances surrounding that just leave me drained for at least the rest of the day if not another day or so after which is really not helping me with school. Part of me wants to just quit going now that I have filled the requirement for my class but I know it is/will be good for me. All of these emotions have led to more comfort foods than it should. Hopefully If I can move the sessions to Friday’s it will be less stressful not having to worry if an assignment is due the next day.

On a Brighter note I have also been seriously working on attempting some time management. It is helping but being the fly by the seat of my pants kinda girl that I am, I am still fighting it. I find that even if I don’t go back and look at my planner every day, because I took the time to plan out my week in advance and know I have scheduled myself things like workouts or specific homework time I feel more obligated to do it. It also helps that I am held accountable for my time management right now, knowing that I will have to tell someone how my week went as far as my “plan” gives me accountability. Yes I could lie and just say oh it went well…but how will that help me improve myself. No all of my “plans” aren't working out, some crazy things have come up the past couple weeks but it’s a start. I even managed to get in 4 workouts this week!

My point in all this rambling…working on a better you is not just about the outside, you have to work on the whole you! Make plans, goals…remember this can be an emotional ride. Working on both the inside and the outside is not easy and sometimes the inside stuff is harder to deal with than the outside but the results will be worth it in the end. Its never a perfect journey but as long as you keep going that’s what counts. While I have given in to some serious comfort foods these past 2 weeks and last week I did not work out at all this week I put in 4 good workouts. It is about the big picture, it doesn't happen over night. I didn’t get this way overnight. “Success is not a result of spontaneous combustion, You have to set yourself on fire!”

Current Weight: 195 lbs.
Goals for this week:
Get my H2O in (I think this will always be a struggle)
Work out 5 days including 3 non-gym
Eat more Fruits and Veggies nom nom nom

Just for fun here is a couple pics from my walk yesterday at the park with my daughter scootering along with me Smile (2.29 miles)

You know I looked HOT wearing a JoBro mini backpack haha!

My view of my little Scooter Girl

Peace, Love and Happy Blogging


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