The Countdown is on….

Ok the countdown is on…I’m looking at 5 weeks left before my half and so far my longest distance is 7 miles. Its time to step it up a notch. This is part of a training schedule I found online and somewhat close what I have already been doing with the exception for the longer run days. Being that I am already planning on walking for the most part not running I will be making some small adjustments, especially depending on how my knee is feeling.
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.
week 5 4 7 4 off 5 10 off
week 4 4 6 4 off 3 11 off
week 3 4 5 4 off 4 12 off
week 2 4 5 4 off 3 6 off
race 3 5 3 off 2 13.1 129.1
Wow that total there on this training schedule looks very daunting: 129.1 miles! right now my #gothedist goal for May is set at 80 run/walk/elliptical miles. As long as I keep my 5 day a week schedule going this should be no problem. I have some bike miles planned in case my knee gets to bothering me to much, but I hope to do most of these outdoors!

I hope everyone has a fantastic week, wish me luck I have finals Sad smile

Peace, Love and Happy Blogging


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