Happy early Birthday to me :)
I got a bike!
The Kid got one too!
How cool is that! Thanks to my aunt for my bike and I found that sweet bike for my daughter at Play it again sports for $20! I could not turn it down for that price. She has been so happy, it has gears(5 speed)!!! As for mine all it needs is some new tubes for the wheels where it has been sitting for a while and I’m good to go! Ok, well I need to get a bike rack first.
I’m so excited, I have been pining for a bike, especially now that it is warmer. It is so much easier to ride than walk for a little exercise if you have to go later in the day once it warms up. It also will allow me to do more that will involve the kid and be able to still do outdoors workouts if my knee’s are bothering me.
I hope everyone has a great week! Get out there and move!
Peace, Love and Happy Blogging
That's great nice one, bikes are brilliant :)