Never Give up (A guest post)
Here is a little something new for Life Off the D List….A guest post! And from another Misty at that
Keep On, Keepin’ On
To introduce myself a little, I’m the other Misty! I live in the Twin Cities area with my husband and our three children (14, 10 and 7). They are my true inspiration.
I’ve struggled with weight and body-image for as long as I can remember. Looking back, I was so fit and yet so unhappy with my appearance. I was never the skinny girl. But I also wasn’t the fat girl. Somehow, I still thought I was. Then into my adult years a few things happened. I broke my leg and ankle which laid me up for about three months (NO weight-bearing). I gained about 20 pounds. I got married. I gained about 20 pounds. I had my first baby. I gained about 70 POUNDS! My new maintenance weight, after losing 40 of the pregnancy pounds, was about 220. I went through a divorce, lost a bunch of weight. I remarried and had another baby and was back to the 220 (darn complacency). Now, a few years later, my weight had ballooned up to 265. I’m happy to say…that number is steadily decreasing.
What I’ve learned through all of this is to NOT GIVE UP! I have a quote on my blog that reads, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” –Thomas Edison. I believe those words are powerful! Regardless of what it is you are working to achieve in your life, there will be successes and failures, smooth sailing and obstacles. You just can’t quit!
I’ve been a member of Weight Watchers for about a year and a half. When I calculate the dollars I’ve spent, it is horrifying! I’ve had two reasons to make me stay. #1, The Real Housewives of South of the River. That is what I call my group of lady friends. We attend Bible study together on Wednesday followed by WW and lunch on Thursdays. I can’t imagine doing life without them. Secondly, where would I be without WW? I can guarantee that I would still be gaining. I would not be holding myself accountable. I would be able to say to myself, “I have no idea why I keep gaining weight.” I need accountability.
Where I am now is a good place. I’m determined! I had an epiphany moment a few weeks ago. My youngest daughter…not at a healthy weight. She’s only seven. So clearly, this is not her fault. It is my husband’s and mine. We made some simple, yet effective changes. Although they’ve been subtle, they’ve made a large impact. We are going to have the healthiest summer that we’ve ever experienced!
So where are you? Are you able to achieve the goals that you’ve set for yourself? Are you that determined, not only self-starter, but self-finisher? I think community support is a BIG DEAL. It doesn’t have to come in the form of WW. Find an accountability partner. Write a blog. Join an exercise group. Whatever it is that you need to do to be successful, do it! And never, never, never give up!
Misty, Future Fit Mom
Make sure to check out Misty’s blog and show her some love
Peace, Love and Happy Blogging
Love the guest post, thanks for your encouraging words. I love the quote and will think of it next time I feel like giving up.