Peace, Love and Happy Blogging






Why hello blog world! Long time no see…


I hope everyone has had an awesome year. I am ending my year on a high note. If you follow me on twitter or my facebook page I’m sure you have noticed lot’s of activity lately. I received the gift of going to a weight loss clinic for an early Christmas present and so far I am loving it. I am seeing lot’s of progress! With the help of Dr. Gehard’s clinic I am down a little over 9 pounds so far. I love their plan, it’s so easy and do'able. He has me doing “true” calories so here’s a breakdown of what I am up to…


“True” calories according to the clinic is where you take your regular calories and subtract 4x the protein. For my “true” calorie goals they have me on a three week cycle. I do 6-800 “true” calories the first two weeks and then 1,000-1,200 “true” calories the third week, then repeat the cycle. Don’t freak out over those low calorie numbers, remember these are “true” calories. 6-900 “true” calories breaks down to be anywhere from 1,000 to 1,600 regular calories, depending on what I eat,  so I’m still getting plenty of nutrition for my body. The reason that they have you do a three week cycle with higher calories the third week is to make sure and prevent your body from going into starvation mode. This allows you to continuously burn the maximum amount of fat every day as possible.  With this you also have to have 30 grams of protein within three hours of waking for breakfast. This also boost your metabolism up tot 40% over the next 24 hours.


Another big thing with my new plan is I HAVE to work out for at least 20 minuets a day, cardio, for at least 4 but no more than 6 days a week. I have been averaging 35 minuets a day 8 out of the last 10 days so far. I have been doing Leslie Sanson Walk at home, Advanced workout video’s and I love them! I have been doing at home workouts because due to financial reasons I decided to cancel my gym membership. While I love the gym, these at home workouts are much easier to do because I cant make excuses about going somewhere. Another new thing as of today I will be adding to my routine will be yoga! I blessed to have some awesome friends who gifted me a 6 class pass to my favorite yoga studio here in town! I could not be more excited about this!!! I am like a little kid on Christmas day with excitement! (Thank you, Thank you, Thank you …you know who you are)


As for the rest of my life, outside of blogger world, I have made the decision to take a break from school. This last year in school has been nothing short of a disaster. Loosing my Father last year played a big part in this. I am putting my life back together now  though and starting over fresh and new. I am currently working like a mad woman to find a job (Hello world, someone please hire me! ) ! I have also finally crawled out from under the depression rock and gotten my house back in order. I still plan to continue with my goals in school, starting possibly in the I feel  like I have turned over a new leaf and all the things in my life are falling into place.


I took a break from blogging because, well its just what I needed. I have been ready to start back up again for a while now. I know that some people don’t get why I blog, but for me it’s not a “waste of time” , it’s therapy! Lately I have felt restricted due to opinions I received recently. I am done being restricted.  I am done trying to please other people. I am done with negative people in my life. I refuse to have people around me anymore that just want to see me fail and talk to me like I’m beneath them. I am capable of great things. I am worth it! 


Now for the traditional New Years goals….


Well screw New Years… I didn’t wait for New Years to set and start new goals. I started two weeks ago because I am ready for a new me! My goals for now are as follows:

  • Get a JOB!
  • Stick with my new plan
  • Get to goal within the next 12 months, 70lbs to go
  • Start running again
  • Maintain my new healthy lifestyle
  • Go to #fitbloggin this fall
  • Make a trip up to Minnesota sometime this year to see all my pack friends up there
  • Quit smoking, again, for good


Ok I feel like I’m rambling at this point …More updates to come soon!


Peace, Love and Happy Blogging



  1. Sounds like you have some awesome goals! Good luck achieving them! :)

  2. I would LOVE to meet you at #fitbloggin!!!

    your goals are awesome!!

    xox, jen

  3. I'm so happy to hear that things are going so well. It sounds like you are really awake and being deliberate about life, and that's something we all need! Thanks for the inspiration.

    I have been thinking about attending fitbloggin next year. I love Roni's site and think the conference sounds awesome. Plus, I can drive there. AND it's almost smack dab on my 1 year bloggiversary (which is also the end of my one-year goals).

    Would be cool to meet!

  4. Yeah and welcome back!!! Love all the goals can't wait to see you meet them all !!!

  5. Kicking ass!

    And hey, let's plan our Minnesota trips together!

  6. Congratulations!!!! You weren't rambling at all! You sound focused and like you have a plan. Happy New Year!!! And I completely agree for you to surround yourself with people that will be supportive and not try to be negative. I posted this week that I had a surgery done that some may not agree with, but since I did it for me, I made it clear in my post that any negative comments I got would be quickly deleted. I have no need for anyone to question what I decide to do with my life. I don't push my opinions on other people.

    And yoga is great! Once I recover from my surgery, my 11yo daughter and I are going to take a gentle yoga class from the local yoga studio. I've taken classes there before and they are so nice there. I'm excited to share that with Phoebe!

    Keep up the good work!!!


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