I feel like Dorothy

My life is changing so fast before my eyes right now! I feel like Dorothy when she landed in Munchkin land, So much is changing so quickly. In the past month and a half I have had so many positive changes happen. The three biggest are that I started my new diet plan and I’m down over 10 pounds, I will be moving in a month and I am officially now a member of the working community!!! My life is moving in such a good direction these days and I feel so blessed!

I don’t know what I’m more excited about; the weight loss, moving or the job! The job is probably going to have the most effect on my life. It’s a great job with a company I can believe in. I will be selling medical supply equipment, which if you know me …you know that is right up my alley. It will be so nice to actually have the finances to do things for the first time in a long, long time. The only thing about my new job that is going to be a bit difficult will be where I have to train the first four weeks. I will be driving three hours each way every day for a month, these will be some long days. My feelings about this are that it will be worth it in the big picture though. What’s four weeks when  it means I will have a really good job!

I am also really excited about moving. Where I will be moving will be not only closer to my new job but also closer to my daughter’s Father. This means that I will actually have help with her on a regular basis when I need it! This is a huge deal for me. My daughter is also excited about this and our move. She is a little nervous about changing schools but that is to be expected. I can’t wait!

As for my new plan, it’s going phenomenal! While I’m not seeing quite as much progress as quickly as I had hoped its still going very well. I am averaging around a 2-3 pound loss per week, which is great. I have been tracking every day without missing a beat and working out at least four and as many as six days a week. All of my workouts are at home, I will not be renewing my gym membership anytime soon. I have really come to enjoy my at home workouts. I find that I have less room for excuses. I also have a core group of girlie friends who are doing the same plan as me so we often do virtual workouts together. There is something about knowing you are working out together even if its not physically in the same place. I highly recommend if you don’t have a workout buddy that you find a friend you can schedule virtual workouts with. Even if you aren’t going to the gym you can get the same routine going or even do the same workout DVD’s. It’s so much fun!

I have two weeks until I start my new job but after that for that first month I’m not sure how much updating I’ll be able to do on here so make sure you follow me on twitter or follow my facebook page to keep up with me!

Also don’t forget that the Zipfizz giveaway ends Sunday at 5pm so make sure you enter!

Peace, Love and Happy Blogging

PS ….Thanks to all those for the congratulations on my  new job!


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